
Heat treatment of serum has demonstrated improved detection of Dirofilaria immitis antigen in sera of sheltered dogs without knowing the true infection status of the animals and in dogs confirmed experimentally to be infected with heartworm. Utilizing archived sera with necropsy confirmed heartworm infection status (n = 665) and a micro-titer well based ELISA antigen assay, this study evaluated how the composition of heartworm infections affects antigen test results pre- and post-heat treatment, determined subsequent changes to the antigen test sensitivity and specificity, and application of optical density values. The composition of heartworm infections present in dogs with sera initially testing antigen negative consisted of infections by dead 1/34 (2.9 %), immature 10/34 (29.4 %), male only 7/34 (20.6 %), female only 5/34 (14.7 %), and mixed sex infections 11/34 (32.4 %) with 2–62 heartworms of which 6 were microfilaremic. The composition of heartworm infections remaining antigen negative post-heat treatment consisted of infections by dead 1/14 (7.1 %), immature 9/14 (64.3 %), male only 2/14 (14.3 %), and mixed sex infections 2/14 (14.3 %) with 6 and 62 heartworms of which 1 was microfilaremic. The overall sensitivity for all infections, mature heartworms, and mature females before heat treatment were 86.9 %, 90.7 %, and 93.3 % and after heat treatment sensitivity increased to 94.6 %, 98.4 %, and 99.2 % respectively. A decrease in specificity from 97.8%–96.1% was observed following heat treatment of heartworm negative sera. Optical density values for the varying infection intensities present in this study clearly indicate that result intensity is not reflective of the number of heartworms present. This study provides additional context for interpreting post-heat antigen results for dogs originating from animal shelters, demonstrates diagnostic utility of optical density, and highlights the need for improved heartworm diagnostics.

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