
Brugian filariasis is reported in dogs in Kerala, India. Antibody detection kits are not available worldwide, for detection of Brugian filariasis in dogs. A study was carried out to develop Indirect plate ELISA using excretory secretory antigen isolated from canine brugian microfilariae and compare the sensitivity and specificity with that of blood smear examination. Identification of microfilariae was done by acid phosphatase staining using Naphthol AS-TR method and Polymerase Chain Reaction for Hha 1 repeat sequence. The microfilariae were identified as Brugia malayi. Isolation of brugian microfilariae from canine blood was done by gradient centrifugation method. The isolated microfilariae were maintained in RPMI-1640 media. The pooled media was then concentrated to obtain excretory secretory protein (ESP). This ESP was used to develop Indirect ELISA. The sensitivity and specificity of the plate ELISA developed was 84 and 100 per cent respectively when compared with blood smear examination. This is the first report of successful isolation of ESP from Brugia malayi microfilariae from dogs and standardization of plate ELISA using the antigen.

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