
Candida-associated denture stomatitis was demonstrated by its cultivation in 171 out of 240 patients examined with partial or total dentures. After taking smears from lesions of the oral mucosa (tongue, cheeks, palate) and the contiguous denture surface by cotton wool swabs and inoculating them onto Sabouraud glucose agar and CHROMagar Candida, individual yeast species were identified by a germ tube, filamentous, and assimilation tests employing the commercial kit AuxaColor. Seven Candida species were identified in smears from the oral mucosa lesions and the contiguous denture surface: C. albicans (95 patients), C. tropicalis (26), C. parapsilosis (20), C. krusei (14), C. guilliermondii (12), C. lusitaniae (1) and C. freyschusii (1). Diabetes mellitus, neoplastic diseases, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy were identified as some of the large number of factors predisposing patients to stomatitis prothetica.

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