
Adv. Healthcare Mater. 2019, 8, 1900501 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201900501 In the original version of this article, the images in Figure S3A and B were incorrect due to mistakes in figure preparation. The correct figures are shown below. Warned by this error, the authors performed a thorough tracing-back of all data and noticed some naming errors of immunohistochemical and hematein eosin (HE) results due to unexpected system shutdowns during picture capturing. As the results of Figure 4E and Figure S10 were also involved in this batch, in order to prevent any underlying mistakes, the authors therefore retrieved the histologic sections and re-captured the pictures with the help of professionals (Servicebio, Shanghai, China). The correct Figure 4E and Figure S10 were replaced by re-capturing pictures which are shown as follows. Accordingly, based on the new Figure 4E, the calculated proliferation ratios (n = 3) for different groups are 75.81 ± 4.06% (Control); 52.36 ± 5.41% (Free Cur); 36.82 ± 4.74% (PL/CCC-Cur) and 15.18 ± 3.59% (PL/ACC-Cur) and the apoptosis and necrosis are 7.17 ± 1.33% (Control); 15.52 ± 4.63% (Free Cur); 44.42 ± 6.02% (PL/CCC-Cur) and 69.63 ± 5.91% (PL/ACC-Cur), respectively (positive staining cells of randomly selected area/total cells of randomly selected area using Image J, Version 1.52). In the Supporting Information file, in the “Measurement of intracellular ATP content” section of the “Experimental Section”, the sentence“Cells in 6-well plates […] for 6 h as mentioned above” should be“Cells in 6-well plates […] for 12 h as mentioned above”. The reference [28] in the “Hemolysis assay” section should be [5]. It is noted that these were all honest mistakes and do not affect the validity of the work and the conclusions. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.

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