
Caner a dreadful disease is actually one large group of diseases which dates back to times of “Hippocrates”, The Father of Medicine, (460-370BC) who used this name for the first time to talk about non-ulcer and ulcer forming tumors. Theevidence of its presence from the very past history comes from fossilized “Egyptian Mummies” having tumors on bones. Then Galen (130-200 AD) used the term “Oncos” to explain tumors. So it's a disease involving growth of abnormal cells, their proliferation and metastasizing the other tissues and organs. Now we know that biology has a branch namedOncology to deal with the scientific study of cancer and oncogenes. It took centuries to get knowledge and use modern technologies against this malady. Now we know cancer is a group disease which has hundreds of types. 19th Century saw much advancement towards its cure. Along with surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy were the main methods to cure cancer patients. Day by day, scientists are looking for new methods to control and cure of this curse. Hundreds of natural medicinal compounds are being tested to use clinically for its cure in order to replace the radiotherapy andchemotherapy and lower their side effects. But humanity is still fighting against this disease as the numbers of cases throughout the world are increasing day by day. If we look on the reports p r e s e n t e d b y W H O ( W o r l d H e a l t hOrganization), Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths globally which means one person in every six deaths, dies due to cancer. In 2018, the most common types of cancers reported in men were of liver, prostate, stomach, lung andcolorectal. Whereas in females the most common forms were breast, thyroid, cervical and colorectal. Cancer has become a global disasterfamily of the patient. It imparts physical, emotional and financial crisis. Unfortunately, the condition is bitterer in under developing countries. Cancer has become a lifestyle disease these days. We are living in the world withsuperficial comfort but we are breathing with urbanizations, ozone depletion, exposure to microwave and ultraviolet radiations, hazardous chemicals etc. Moreover, It is becoming a lifestyle disease due to lack of exercise, Obesity, consumptions of drugs, tobacco and alcohols. The cases of cancers are reported more in urban areas than in rural areasmore likely due to above mentioned factors. The ratio of cancer patients is expected to raise up-to 27.5 million by 2040 globally. So the battle is never ending, Humans need to figure out the factors and cutting these from their lives in orderto live a healthy life which is a blessing indeed. which is not only crunching the cancer patient but it also has damaging effects on the whole

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