
The objective of this research is to examine the basis of the judge's considerations in deciding case number 2284K/Pdt/2021 and the Legal Protection of Parties Recorded in Ownership Certificates Revoked by the Judge. The research method employed is normative, utilizing a legislative and case approach. The judge's considerations to revoke Ownership Certificate Number 588 under the name of Slamet Siswosuharjo as the Defendant in Convention/Plaintiff in Reconviction, take into account the presented written evidence and testimonies of witnesses submitted by the Plaintiff in Convention/Defendant in Reconviction since they are interconnected. The judge also does not take into consideration the evidence of the Defendant's land ownership. Furthermore, legal protection for the parties listed in the ownership certificate revoked by the judge includes: The holders of land rights must be protected both repressively and preventively, in accordance with Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, as stipulated in Article 32 paragraph 2 which asserts that they are the holders of land rights. The judge must determine who owns the property when a land certificate exists.

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