
Continuing with the description of the Canadian teleoperated mine detection systems, in this paper we will focus on systems developed primarily for antipersonnel (AP) landmine detection. The Articulated Robotic Scanner (ARS) is a system approach that uses a generic robotic device capable of automatically moving a landmine detection sensor over natural ground surfaces in a manner similar to an operator. Exploiting the cost efficiency of proven high sensitivity commercial-off-the-shelf sensors, such as the metal detectors widely employed by military and humanitarian deminers, the high-precision automation of the ARS can be utilized to provide a low cost and low weight scanning imaging sensor that can be carried on a small autonomous platform. Concurrent with the ARS project, Defence R&D Canada – Suffield has maintained an active programme in the development of portable AP landmine detection systems, a number of which will be described. Together, these projects inspired a more ambitious vision, the Canadian Sensor Integration Concept (CANSIC), which applies the successful multi-sensor landmine detection approach to a small autonomous vehicle, using complementary sensors designed for antipersonnel landmine detection. Using a high-mobility robotic platform, the envisioned system incorporates five separate technologies: two hyper-spectral cameras, thermal and visual/near infrared, along with a scanning sensor imaging system mounted on a purpose build articulated robotic scanner, working in conjunction with a nuclear imaging confirmation sensor. Designed to provide clearance options for areas off established roadways, the goal is not only to operate in all environments and conditions that a deminer is able to, but also to extend the demining capabilities of military commanders and humanitarian demining project managers to situations where there is a high probability of casualities.

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