
The Canadian Macromolecular Crystallography Facility (CMCF) 08ID-1 beamline at the Canadian Light Source (CLS) is in the later stages of commissioning. The photon source is a small-gap in-vacuum undulator (SGU), which was designed in-house with a support structure and vacuum chamber from RMP of Italy. The undulator magnets were shimmed at the CLS and the SGU was installed in the 2.9 GeV storage ring. The storage ring has had currents up to 300 mA safely injected and stored since its first light in the diagnostic beamline in December of 2003. At these storage ring currents, the 7th harmonic of the SGU will yield a photon flux on the sample at the endstation on the order of ∼ 5 × 10 12 at 12 keV. The overall design of the beamline includes white beam slits, indirectly cryo-cooled first crystal of the DCM and sagittally focusing second crystal, and vertically focussing ULE mirror. The endstation of the beamline is innovative and robust, and was manufactured by ACCEL according to CLS specifications. The beamline controls, are being developed based on EPICS, and complemented with a user-friendly interface. The scientific goal of the 08ID-1 beamline is to operate a protein crystallography MAD beamline suitable for studying small crystals and crystals with large unit cells.

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