
"Canada is Important Now." The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 23(9), pp. 551–552 NotesBrebner, North Atlantic Triangle. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1946.Bryce, “Some Aspects of Canadian Economic Relations with the United States,” in Foreign Economic Policy for the United States, Seymour Harris, Ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1948. Pp. 134–54.Denison, Canada, Our Dominion Neighbor. “Foreign Policy Association Headline Series,” No. 46, 1944.Spry, Canada. “Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs,” No. 47, 1943. United States Department of State, Washington 25, D.C. Publications relating toCanada sent on request“Austerity to the North.” Fortune Magazine, January 1948, pp. 82–83; reply, March 1948.Bogart, “Canadian Relations with Great Britain and the United States.” Vital Speeches, July 15, 1948,pp. 598-600.Coats, R. H., Ed., “Features of Present-Day Canada” (bibliography and tables). Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, September 1947, PP. l–201.Duncan, “Canada” (illustrated). United Nations World, May 1947, pp. 77–80.Eggleston, “Strategy and Wealth in Northern Canada.” Queens Quarterly, May 1947, No. 2, pp. 238–49.Keenleyside, “Canadian Immigration Policy.” The International Journal, Summer 1948, pp. 222–38.Kierstead, “Canada at the Crossroads in Foreign Policy.” The International Journal, Spring 1948, pp. 97–110.Lower, “Canada in the New Non-British World.” The International Journal, Summer 1948, pp. 208–21.Massey, “Canada in the Inter-American System.” Foreign Affairs, July 1948, pp. 693–700.Mercer, “Newfoundland” (bibliography, maps, illustrated). Canadian Geographical Journal, March 1948, pp. 104–29.Miller, “Canada and the Pan American Union.” The International Journal, Winter 1947–48, pp. 24–38.Stevenson, “A New Era in Canada.” Foreign Affairs, April 1948, pp. 515–27.“The Great Labrador Venture.” Fortune Magazine, December 1948, 115 pp.ff.Truman, “Our Responsibility to the World” address before a joint session of the Canadian Parliament, June 11, 1947. Vital Speeches, July 1, 1947, pp. 554–56.

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