
f^* anadian representatives shared continuously from August 16, V^« 1945, until February 18, 1946, in the work of translating the blueprint of the San Francisco Charter into the working reality of the United Nations Organization. Canada was one of the fourteen nations represented on the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission, which was at work in London from August 16 to November 12, when its report was ready. The Executive Committee prepared recommendations in detail on rules of procedure, the administration of the Secretariat, the co-ordination of the activities of the organs of the General Assembly, and their relations with each other and with other international organizations. Canada was represented on the Committee by the Hon. L. B. Pearson, Canadian Ambassador to the United States, the Hon. W. E. Turgeon, Canadian Ambassador to Belgium, and Messrs. Escott Reid and J. W. Holmes of the Department of External Affairs. The Preparatory Commission, on which all the United Nations were represented, also met in London, from November 24 to December 24. Its work entailed the scrutiny, and acceptance or modification of the report of the Executive Committee. In addition, the Commission prepared a provisional agenda and a score of other technical recommendations for the General Assembly. The General Assembly of the United Nations Organization met on January 10, 1946. The first business to be transacted by the General Assembly after the opening ceremonies, was the election of Mr. Paul Henri Spaak, foreign minister of Belgium, as its president. The election of the non-permanent members of the Security Council followed on January 12. On the first ballot, Brazil, Egypt, Mexico, Poland, and the Netherlands were elected with the required majority of thirty-four votes. Canada came sixth with thirty-three votes, and Australia next with twenty-eight.

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