
Background: Many wireless medical devices utilize radio frequency communication, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular phones. A challenge is multiple devices coexisting in the same space with similar radio frequencies. Radio frequency interference (RFI) in addition to the numerous components of electromagnetic interference can create an unfavorable environment for some devices. Methods and materials: A pilot program determined efficacy of automated hand hygiene technology in various inpatient units at an 865-bed university hospital. A computer sign-in “tap-and-go” technology was being deployed in ambulatory clinics with plans to expand throughout the entire hospital. Both technologies were deployed in inpatient areas in spring 2019. Hand hygiene dispensers were unable to communicate with hand hygiene badges when in proximity of the tap-and-go technology because of overlapping radio frequency. We endeavored to determine the range of the tap-and-go technology's interference with the hand hygiene system. Results: The tap-and-go technology interferes with the hand hygiene technology if a tap-and-go device is within 2 feet of a hand hygiene dispenser. There is variable interference in the 2–3 foot range (Table 1).Table 1Device distances.Badge distance from dispenser (inches)Tap-and-go device distance from dispenser (inches)Signal detected on individual badge from dispenser1212Not detected1812Not detected2412Not detected3612Not detected2424Detected2436Detected129Not detected1218Not detected1221Detected1224Detected1227Detected1230Detected1236Detected Open table in a new tab Conclusion: As technologies are developed to assist health care workers perform their jobs more safely and efficiently, RFI will become a more common problem. Coexisting technology using the same radiofrequency within a hospital must be anticipated and managed appropriately. Technology vendors must also anticipate future interference problems and develop solutions.

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