
This study was conducted to determine the effect of nurses' knowledge of the COVID-19 pandemic and their self-efficacy in emergency situations on the power of transforming pain. The data of the cross-sectional study were created by the researchers; the questionnaire form measuring the sociodemographic characteristics of nurses, the level of knowledge about the home care protocol applied to healthcare professionals working during the pandemic process and individuals infected with coronavirus, and the Emergency Self-Efficacy Scale and the Transformative Power of Pain Scale were collected online. It was sent to nurses actively working in Turkey between the dates of 04.20.2020 and 05.20.2020, and 390 nurses returned. The data were evaluated with the SPSS 21.0 package program. While 62.8% of the nurses thought that the policies created against the pandemic were partially sufficient, 55.4% thought that they could not express themselves adequately during the pandemic process, and 50.3% thought that they could not express themselves adequately during the pandemic process. Handling the pandemic process appropriately. They found the strength to cope. While 52.1% of the nurses defined catching coronavirus as a work accident, 47.9% stated that it was an occupational disease; 47.7% of the nurses state that patients with or without mild symptoms can receive care at home by their family members, 92.8% state that all personal protective equipment should be given to caregivers, 43.3% state that the number of caregivers should be limited. A statistically significant relationship was found between the Competence and Interest sub-dimensions of the Self-Efficacy Scale in Emergencies and the Transformative Power of the Pain Scale of the nurses, who participated in the study. It has been seen that nurses who were knowledgeable, competent, willing, and interested in the fight against COVID-19 had the power to transform their pain into a positive dimension during this difficult pandemic process.

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