
The practice of meditation has been associated with a wide range of positive physiological and psychological effects, such as reduced stress, improved emotional regulation, and increased overall well-being. In this research, the procedure of meditation that eliminates psychosomatic disorders is investigated. Psychosomatic disorders impact the mind and body. Mental disorders like stress and anxiety can lead to physical diseases like chronic pain and muscle dysfunction. This article investigates the possibility of meditation being used as a remedy for psychosomatic disorders. Examining existing literature on the topic reveals that meditation has been demonstrated to reduce stress and anxiety levels, enhance immune system functioning, and promote emotional regulation. The evidence suggests that meditation could be a possible alternative treatment for psychosomatic problems. This study discusses the mechanisms of Vipassanā and Yoga meditation techniques. The paper further highlights the necessity of seeking medical counsel and treatment and utilising meditation as an element of a comprehensive care approach instead of a stand-alone remedy. Overall, the paper indicates that meditation may be a helpful aid for controlling the symptoms of psychosomatic disorder, and it emphasises the need for additional research on the subject.

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