
Infertility is the inability to conceive after one year of unprotected intercourse, and about one in six couples deal with this issue. Nearly half of the factors contributing to a couple’s infertility are female-related, and the underlying cause is variable. Many treatment options can be used depending on the underlying cause of infertility. The available treatments often include in vitro fertilization, intrauterine insemination, and fertility-inducing drugs. Numerous couples favor complementary medicine alongside conventional treatments to enhance treatment efficacy and reduce side effects. Manual therapy and massage are among these complementary treatment approaches. Manual therapy is defined in various ways. One of them is manipulating and mobilizing soft tissue structures and related joints using the hands. Manual therapy can alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, prevent contracture formation, manage existing contractures, increase range of motion, aid mobilization, and improve overall health. It contains a variety of massage treatments, stretching, and mobilization applications. Manual therapy and massage can be administered to manage various disorders, from pediatric to geriatric populations. These are safe interventions. Manual therapy and massage have beneficial effects on the management of female infertility. These methods reduce adhesions and mobilize organs in the pelvic region. They have positive effects on circulatory system disorders, including lymphatic drainage abnormalities. Overcoming reproductive system lymphatic drainage and circulation difficulties can result in balanced hormone levels, regular menstrual cycles, and pregnancies. In addition, manual therapy and massage improve the psychological state of individuals in a way that will benefit the management of female infertility.

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