
Hashing is a fundamental operation in database management, playing a key role in the implementation of numerous core database data structures and algorithms. Traditional hash functions aim to mimic a function that maps a key to a random value, which can result in collisions, where multiple keys are mapped to the same value. There are many well-known schemes like chaining, probing, and cuckoo hashing to handle collisions. In this work, we aim to study if using learned models instead of traditional hash functions can reduce collisions and whether such a reduction translates to improved performance, particularly for indexing and joins. We show that learned models reduce collisions in some cases, which depend on how the data is distributed. To evaluate the effectiveness of learned models as hash function, we test them with bucket chaining, linear probing, and cuckoo hash tables. We find that learned models can (1) yield a 1.4x lower probe latency, and (2) reduce the non-partitioned hash join runtime with 28% over the next best baseline for certain datasets. On the other hand, if the data distribution is not suitable, we either do not see gains or see worse performance. In summary, we find that learned models can indeed outperform hash functions, but only for certain data distributions.

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