
Abstract At a time when special education budgets are constrained and the demand for behavior analysis services continue to increase within school settings a clear implemental system to the is not only necessary but essential. This paper discusses one possible system for making behavior analysis services and behavior analysis training available to front line special education teachers while maintaining affordability for school systems. Keywords: Staff training, school district in-services, applied behavior analysis, cost effectiveness Pyramid Training In best utilizing the limited resources of school districts today to deliver the best educational benefit possible to children it becomes necessary to investigate different forms of training. One form that has been used often is the train the trainers modality or a pyramid training program. The essential method in a pyramid system is that exacting instruction is delivered to a relatively small number of initial people who then can additional people in the future. As shown (figure 1) above this type of model uses the expert to initial trainees who then using the same training model and standards in turn additional trainees (train the trainer). In 1977, Jones, Fremouw, and Carples trained three regular elementary teachers in the use of a behavioral analysis classroom management skill package. In turn, these teachers, using the same instructional package trained three more teachers in the same skill package. Direct behavioral measures of student disruptiveness and permanent product measures of student productivity were collected and compared on all the teachers' classrooms. Data indicated that student disruptiveness decreased while productivity increased overall classroom academic output. This was especially true for those students below the median in productivity during baseline. The time investment of the expert trainer was reduced by seventy five percent overall to the eight teachers involved. This suggests that the pyramid system can be effectively deployed to deliver specialized training to teachers in a cost effective manner when the training package is highly defined and organized with strict criterion for mastery of training objectives. Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) There is an impressive collection of evidence to support that contingency based instruction has great advantages over typical lecture and test systems of instruction. In an oversimplified explanation of Keller's (1968) Personalized System of Instruction coursework is broken down into manageable sections with clear criterion of the expected outcomes for students including test scores, and dates of completion, learning is self paced within the framework of the course, and lecture is typically not part of the learning. This is heavily intermixed with both pre and post testing, and offering the student all of the resources necessary to learn the material. The preponderance of evidence has shown that a PSI will always achieve an equalitative outcome to traditional methods of instruction, but in most cases has exceeded traditional methods while placing most of the onus for teaching squarely on the learner. An excellent example of these types of courses are available in the work of Crone-Todd and Pear (2001) conducting research in the application of Bloom's taxonomy in computer aided PSI using Bloom's taxonomy to assist in determining the benchmarks for learning, in CAPSI-taught courses. [FIGURE 1 OMITTED] In 1972 Born, Gledhill, and Davis used contingency management procedures similar to PSI and compared them to conventional lecture methods in teaching psychology. In the contingency management course, material was broken down into 14 small units which included four different 10-item multiple choice quizzes over the week's chapter. The course included a modified Doomsday Contingency such that each student was required to either achieve a score of 80% on one of the four quizzes or drop the course. …

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