
Muscle length changes may evoke alternating activity and consequently reduce local fatigue and pain during prolonged static bending. The aim of this study was to assess whether a postural intervention involving intermittent trunk extensor muscle length changes (INTERMITTENT) can delay muscle fatigue during prolonged static bending when compared to a near-isometric condition (ISOMETRIC) or when participants were allowed to voluntarily vary muscle length (VOLUNTARY). These three conditions were completed by 11 healthy fit male participants, in three separate sessions of standing with 30 ± 3 degrees trunk inclination until exhaustion. Conventional and high-density electromyography (convEMG and HDsEMG, respectively) were measured on the left and right side of the spine, respectively. The endurance time for INTERMITTENT was 33.6% greater than ISOMETRIC (95% CI: [3.8, 63.5]; p = 0.027) and 29.4% greater than VOLUNTARY (95% CI: [7.0, 51.7]; p = 0.010), but not different between ISOMETRIC and VOLUNTARY. The convEMG and HDsEMG amplitude coefficient of variation was significantly greater for INTERMITTENT versus ISOMETRIC. The rate of change in convEMG and HDsEMG spectral content did not reveal significant differences between conditions as found in endurance time. Additional regression analyses between endurance time and rate of change in convEMG (p > 0.05) and HDsEMG (R2 = 0.39–0.65, p = 0.005–0.039) spectral content indicated that HDsEMG better reflects fatigue development in low-level contractions. In conclusion, imposed intermittent trunk extensor muscle length changes delayed muscle fatigue development when compared to a near-isometric condition or when participants were allowed to voluntarily vary muscle length, possibly due to evoking alternating activity between/within trunk extensor muscles.

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