
Chickenpox is an incredibly uncomfortable common viral disease, rarely coming to the notice for the health system. After experiencing chickenpox or exposure to the varicella zoster virus, the virus stays dormant in the human body for life. When the immune system naturally weakens due to aging or chronic diseases like cancer, cardiac failures, chronic kidney diseases and immunodeficiency disease like HIV/AIDs etc., inactive virus reactivates, causing Shingles. Commonly seen among persons over 50 years though it can occur at any age. Most people have only one episode of the illness in their lifetime, second episodes are not uncommon, and third episodes are very rare and multiple episodes are also possible. In India, we see about a million cases of Shingles each year giving an incidence of 705 per million population per year. In USA approximately 1 out of 3 people develop herpes zoster during their lifetime Shingles, and about half of people over age 80 have had shingles. Most people with shingles in every episode start with Itching, Tingling, Burning and Pain over one or two dermatome areas to be followed by rashes on 3-5th day. Associated symptoms of fever and body ache are short lived. the blisters and pimples dry, form scabs and heal in 2-3 weeks not leaving any scar, but if get infected may take longer time of 4-5 weeks. But the tingling or a pins-andneedles feeling, itching, burning, and a deep pain due to the post-herpetic neuralgia, a severe painful condition may persist for months. The rashes often follow the distribution of nerves in the skin, a pattern called a dermatome. The most common dermatome affected are on the chest and back, around one side of the waistline but can involve any area like neck, face, butts, arms, and legs. There is no cure for shingles, but treatment with antivirals to shorten the length and severity of the illness, antihistamines NSAIDS and analgesics are used to provide comfort. Fortunately, shingles is not communicable to others. This article is based on primary cases seen by the in the context of. India has 260 million adults above 50 years of age at risk of shingles and its complications and this vaccine given in 2 doses becomes a boon for such population providing protection for 10 years. Materials and Methods: Three (including autobiographical) cases author managed since 2010 to March 2023 print media message of the launch of Shingrix Zoster Vaccine Recombinant, Adjuvanted vaccine in India on Monday the 16 April 2023 for the persons over 50 years and review of the literature.

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