
As a set of globally accepted financial reporting rules, IFRSs are primarily intended for economically developed countries with adequate legislation, developed capital markets and quality financial reporting practices. Developing countries are motivated to use IFRS to improve the quality and reliability of the financial reporting procedures in order to attract foreign investments, enable unhindered international financial flows and stimulate economic growth. The key problem in this regard is the inconsistency of their local economic, legal and social infrastructure with the requirements of the successful implementation of IFRS, which requires numerous preparations and adjustments. The purpose of this paper is to consider the possibilities and preconditions for the application of IFRS in Sudan, as a country with an underdeveloped economy, inadequate legislation, weak accounting profession and numerous cultural specificities. The key question that arose during the survey of academics' perceptions on this topic was not whether Sudan should apply IFRS, but whether it is currently possible to apply IFRS in this country at all, given the numerous difficulties preventing that. Therefore, this process should be approached very carefully, with the necessary thorough preparation of the local economic and legal environment and with constant analysis of the costs and benefits of such an endeavor. The potential benefits of applying IFRS in Sudan are undeniable, but it is important that they outweigh the required high initial investment and possible negative effects from possible inadequate implementation.

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