
Abstract: CAN stands for Controller Area Network. CAN is the major protocol used in Automobile industry. Through the CAN protocol, all the critical electronics devices exchange the messages to smoothly perform the actions within the automobiles/vehicles. As the technology is the integral part of our life, the vehicles also connected to the networks through the SW clouds or IoT applications. When any system is exposed to network, there exists the scope for cyber attack.As the vehicles use the classical CAN protocol for all the node to node communication using CAN messages, the CAN message field is the interesting part to study & improvise. If the CAN message field is protected using Cryptography, then any attacks will change the CAN messages. But it is not possible to change the authentication filed as per the changed message since only the authorized nodes will have the proper keys or Hashes (based on the Algorithm used). So, the receiver node will neglect the messages which fails with Authentication. As the receiving node discards the message which fails in the authentication, that node will be protected although any of the messages it received might be compromised.

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