
Global warming is a most important, extensively discussed problem of mankind, caused by greenhouse gases, which are a result of our fossil-fuel-based world energy economy, and among which CO2 is the decisive constituent (share of about 75%). The resulting climate change with dramatic consequences on the environment, e. g. more frequent and more severe natural catastrophes, is already felt. Climatologists predict disastrous events, including significant rise of the ocean level and shift of climate zones, if we cannot keep the average temperature rise of the atmosphere below 1.5 K (over the pre-industrial level) till the end of the century.The historic evolution of anthropogenic CO2 emissions is shown. Technically feasible measures which could help to meet the 1.5 K target are presented. It is discussed how an alternative world energy economy could look like. This would be essentially based on renewable energies as the primary energy sources and on hydrogen and electricity as secondary energy vectors. The question is addressed whether under the dominating neoliberal capitalistic system the necessary measures to avoid or at least keep at bay the threatening climate change can be implemented, or a trajectory into a dysfunctional dystopian future becomes inevitable.

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