
An issue that has been debated since time of Socrates is Can or philosophy be divorced from politics? Self-proclaimed defenders of what they term pure art have selected as their favorite target informal ban for many years of music of German composer Richard Wagner by Israeli radio and television. Of course, one should not hold Richard Wagner guilty for sins committed by Nazis but these spokesmen of true art believe that one must distinguish artist's political views from aesthetic quality of his and have often criticized any censorship of for political reasons. They argue that distorted use of Wagner's music for Nazi political goals is irrelevant to an appreciation of qualities of pure music, i.e., its sound, melody, harmony, rhythm, etc.This might be acceptable, if Wagner had not used his artistic recognition to speak out in racist terms against what he believed was a malevolent Jewish influence not only in arts but throughout German society. It is for this reason that Nazis were on solid ground in finding much in his writing to back their views and exalted his musical genius as portraying the of great German People.It is precisely because his music did inspire worst impulses of this tribal soul that it gave Nazis valuable ammunition in their attempt to blend German nationalism and Teutonic mysticism as exemplified in The Ring series. Yet whereas, in i900, even father of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, could admire Wagner's music and simply regard his political views as eccentric, this is impossible today.Art Forced to Serve PoliticsThe reverse situation is artist or athlete who is unwillingly made into an idol for ends he does not agree with, but is powerless to stop this exploitation. Few people are aware today that great German heavyweight boxer Max Schmeling, elevated by Nazis into a symbol of Aryan supremacy (especially in his fights against American Black champion Joe Louis and American Jewish boxer Max Baer), refused even under pressure to fire his Jewish manager who was also a personal friend. Schmeling's achievements in ring were his own and his personal integrity does matter today however ignobly he was used and made a symbol of Nazi regime against his will.The Soviet Union glorified proletarian writers such as Jack London and Martin Andersen Nexo or those who exposed worst aspects of corruption in capitalist societies such as Upton Sinclair, but their idealism, compassion, and personal integrity remain unsullied by a regime they did not serve. According to views expressed by Communist Party in Soviet Union, only style of socialist realism was considered fit for masses and as in Nazi Germany, abstract or modern painters were viewed as corrupt and degenerate. Renowned painters such as Joan Miro and Pablo Picasso had to flee their homeland in Spain. German painters were harassed: George Grosz fled to America and Ernst Kirchner committed suicide after persecution by Nazis. Their works were removed from museums and libraries, and copies were added to bonfires that destroyed thousands of books and paintings in public burnings. Similarly, Jazz was labelled nigger or Jew Music in Nazi propaganda publications, leaflets, and posters. In late i930s, a lively trade in smuggled Benny Goodman records came to attention of Gestapo, which pursued a vigorous campaign to hound and force all bars, clubs, and music halls from publicly playing American Jazz.Politicized ArtistsMore than a few artists openly identified with a political creed and sought to promote their views in their art. The great German poet, writer, and playwright Bertold Brecht had seen impact of militarism and threat of Nazis and much of his creative work was devoted to warning of their dangers. Brecht too had to flee, first to Scandinavia and then to America. …

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