
ABSTRACT Rewriting a/the History of “World Civilization” in a pluralist ethical frame is proposed as an alternative to the Eurocentricity and cultural imperialism of earlier such attempts, which assumed a single focus. A plural relational focalisation can replace a grand or master narrative with a conversation between different perspectives. More than tolerance, pluralism is an active quest for understanding across differences, making engagement with alterity an ethical and epistemological imperative. Moving beyond homogenizing mind-sets confined to a single perspective, pluralism enables us to perceive difference as a relation with an Other. This relational pluralist perspective stems from the cultural, social and linguistic diversity of Indian civilization and literatures. The Jain philosophy of Anekantavada posits a pluralist theory of being. Epistemologically grounded in Nayavada and Syadvada, Anekantavada advocates willing engagement with alterities and dialogue between different views, making “ahimsa” or non-violence the ethical goal of human interaction. Hence, in the age of global virtual connectivity and uneven technological advancement, a pluralist narrative of world civilisation(s),“rewritten” in this philosophical frame, is proposed.

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