
Yogyakarta is known as a student city with more than 100 campuses. Campus provides significant green open space with various species of trees. Trees in campus are useful to beautify, as a shade and also attract various species of birds to come and or live on campus. This study aims to determine the diversity of bird species and campus use in Yogyakarta as a bird habitat. The study was conducted in 2016. The research sites on 3 big campuses in Yogyakarta were at the Integrated Campus of the Indonesian Islamic University (UII); Gadjah Mada University Campus (UGM), and the Integrated Campus of Muhammadiyah University in Yogyakarta. Bird diversity data obtained by direct observation with the IPA method (Index Point of Abundance) and then analyzed taxonomically, and ecologically with the Shannon-Weinner Diversity Index (DI) and compared with secondary data. Plant diversity which obtained by direct observation was analyzed descriptive-qualitatively. The used of campus area as foraging habitat obtained by direct observation and literature study then analyzed descriptively. The composition of guild type was analyzed using the Importance Value Index ; as nesting habitat known by direct observation and then analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The results of the study shows the highest of the diversity of bird species in taxonomy and ecology, the type of trees, and type of feed successively from UGM, UII, then UMY. The taxonomic diversity of birds in UGM (7 orders, 17 families, 25 species), UII (3 order,12 families, 17 species), UMY (3 order, 7 families, 10 species). Based on the ecological diversity of birds at UGM i.e. 2.13(enough high), UII i.e.1.97 (moderate), UMY i.e. 1.34 (low). Diversity of tree species at UGM (33 species), UII (23 species) followed by UMY Campus (6 species). The most complete type of bird guild is found in UGM (7 types), in UII (5 types), and in UMY (4 types). Most birds use campus areas to look for food and nesting, and to nest only for example cangak abu (Ardea cinerea) at UGM Conclusion The UGM campus is the best bird habitat in Yogyakarta because it is the oldest, widest, most extensive campus with many large and diverse trees.

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