
Students represent the most responsive group towards Christianity in Japan. Statistics show that in the post-war period, 61% of Japanese Christians baptised in water are of school age and a further 12.9% are baptised between the ages of twenty-three to twenty-six.1 While campus ministry groups are experiencing some measure of success, the issue still remains: how can the 2,760,000 university students in Japan be more effectively reached with the Gospel?2 Japanese society is changing at an unprecedented rate and this has important missiological implications for student ministry in Japan. This paper will seek to suggest ways of reaching the current generation of university students growing up under the powerful influences of postmodernism and globalisation.Yamamori, Tetsunao, Church Growth in Japan, (S. Pasadena, California, William Carey Library, 1974), p.125.The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology website, http://wwwwp.mext.go.jp/hakusyo/book/hpab200301/hpab200301_2_171.htmlccessed3rduly004t.05pm accessed 23rd July 2004 at 3.05pm.

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