
Cambrian spicular sponge faunas are dominated by a distinctive assemblage of demosponges and hexactinellids that are known from Burgess shale-type faunas worldwide. Most of these are previously unknown outside the Lower–Middle Cambrian (and perhaps Tremadoc) and have no obvious close relatives in later sequences. This paper describes examples of Choia sp., Pirania auraeum sp. nov. and Hamptonia christi sp. nov. from the Arenig of Morocco, associated with isolated hexactinellid spicules. A summary of the stratigraphic ranges of the major Cambrian sponge lineages is provided. These indicate an environmental contrast in the Lower Palaeozoic evolution of hexactinellids and non-lithistid demosponges, with demosponges probably undergoing cryptic diversification in nearshore environments during the Upper Ordovician.

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