
Beginning with the 1550 edition of his Institutio Christianae Religionis, Calvin included a section that criticizes the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Nicea II, 787). For his treatment he relied on the 1549 edition of the Libri Carolini-a work written by the theologians of Charlemagne's court as a response to the Nicene Council. Little known through the Middle Ages, the Libri Carolini caused a considerable stir upon their 1549 publication. A surprising recent discovery is that Calvin had already made use of the Carolingian document in 1547, in his response to the Council of Trent. This study examines what is known about the provenance of the Libri Carolini, the number and location of the copies known to have existed by the sixteenth century, how the Libri Carolini came to be published, and Calvin's use of them, and it offers an explanation of how he could have access to them before they were published.

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