
AbstractTwenty-three species of epiphyticCaloplacaare recognized in India, of whichCaloplaca himalayanaJoshi, Y. & Upreti, characterized by thin, continuous, yellowish thallus, numerous ferruginous-red to brownish red, flat to subconvex apothecia with a persistent proper margin and lignicolous habitat, is described here as a new species. Because of the ferruginous coloured apothecial disc, the new species is provisionally placed in theferrugineagroup until a taxonomic treatment of the whole group has been carried out. Theferrugineagroup is characterized by a whitish to grey (rarely yellowish) crustose thallus, a ferruginous to rarely blackish apothecial disc, biatorine to lecanorine exciple, thick-walled spore septa and the chemosyndrome C. The taxonomic affinities of the new taxa with several other taxa, including species offerrugineagroup, are discussed. Two new records for India are also recorded:Caloplaca alnetorumGiralt, Nimis & Poelt andC. crocea(Kremp.) Hafellner & Poelt. A key to all the corticolousCaloplacaspecies occurring in the Indian subcontinent is also provided.

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