
Abstract A description is provided for Calonectria theae . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Acacia spp., Albizia, Camellia sinensis, Eucalyptus spp. and Rhododendron ( Azalea ). DISEASE: Causes the well-known ' Cercosporella disease' of tea bushes. Spots on young leaves are at first brown or black and in humid weather enlarge and coalesce. On mature leaves spots are at first black then grey or greyish-white with a purplish margin. On fully mature leaves spots are brown or black then turn greyish. Tea bushes may be severely defoliated. Also causes root discoloration but not mortality of azaleas (52, 1935). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION: Ceylon and USA. Other records are of doubtful authenticity TRANSMISSION: By wind-borne conidia and ascospores in Ceylon. Transmission from Acacia decurrens , used as a shade tree, frequently reported.

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