
A callus-specific CRISPR/Cas9 (CSC) system with Cas9 gene driven by the promoters of ZmCTA1 and ZmPLTP reduces somatic mutations and improves the production of heritable mutations in maize. The CRISPR/Cas9 system, due to its editing accuracy, provides an excellent tool for crop genetic breeding. Nevertheless, the traditional design utilizing CRISPR/Cas9 with ubiquitous expression leads to an abundance of somatic mutations, thereby complicating the detection of heritable mutations. We constructed a callus-specific CRISPR/Cas9 (CSC) system using callus-specific promoters of maize Chitinase A1 and Phospholipid transferase protein (pZmCTA1 and pZmPLTP) to drive Cas9 expression, and the target gene chosen for this study was the bZIP transcription factor Opaque2 (O2). The CRISPR/Cas9 system driven by the maize Ubiquitin promoter (pZmUbi) was employed as a comparative control. Editing efficiency analysis based on high-throughput tracking of mutations (Hi-TOM) showed that the CSC systems generated more target gene mutations than the ubiquitously expressed CRISPR/Cas9 (UC) system in calli. Transgenic plants were generated for the CSC and UC systems. We found that the CSC systems generated fewer target gene mutations than the UC system in the T0 seedlings but reduced the influence of somatic mutations. Nearly 100% of mutations in the T1 generation generated by the CSC systems were derived from the T0 plants. Only 6.3-16.7% of T1 mutations generated by the UC system were from the T0 generation. Our results demonstrated that the CSC system consistently produced more stable, heritable mutants in the subsequent generation, suggesting its potential application across various crops to facilitate the genetic breeding of desired mutations.

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