
With recent technological advances and greater accessibility of equipment, bioacoustics monitoring has emerged as a valuable method that utilises biologically-produced acoustic signals to gather information on the presence and absence of animals, as well as their behavioural and ecological features. A wide range of microphones and recorders can be employed to collect acoustical data, allowing for the selection of equipment suitable for the specifics of the study. Data analyses can be conducted using software packages that facilitate visualisation of acoustic emissions. This essay provides an overview of the methods involved in bioacoustics monitoring, followed by advantages, disadvantages, and ethical considerations illustrated through examples of its application to collect data on a wide range of species from varied habitats in India. The case studies reveal that bioacoustics monitoring can be applied to a wide range of studies owing to its passive, non-invasive and increasingly inexpensive methods. As the field is at its nascent stage, it suffers from drawbacks arising from the limited expertise and availability of baseline data, because of which it has not been deployed extensively. Despite this, it holds potential as an emerging tool that can significantly advance the field of conservation research.

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