
Abstract Hotspots of amphibian species diversity typically occur in limited geographical ranges, and critically endangered habitats often contain a large number of endemic amphibian species. In such regions, it is prudent to engage conservation strategies for multiple amphibian species simultaneously. To correctly identify suitable habitats for multiple species, species interactions should be considered in species distribution models. In this study, we adopted a joint species distribution model to determine the abiotic and biotic factors that affect calling-site choice in three endangered co-occurring frog species on Amami-Oshima Island, and examined whether they co-occur more than expected after considering the overlapping preferences in environmental variables. Occurrences of Babina subaspera, Odorrana splendida, and O. amamiensis were assessed by monitoring mating calls using automatic digital voice recorders at 67 sites in 12 streams and explained by 8 environmental variables: water flow volume, tempe...

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