
Face Recognition is a computer application that is capable of detecting, tracking, identifying or verifying human faces from an image or video captured using a digital camera. Although lot of progress has been made in domain of face detection and recognition for security, identification and attendance purpose, but still there are issues hindering the progress to reach or surpass human level accuracy. These issues are variations in human facial appearance such as; varying lighting condition, noise in face images, scale, pose etc. This research paper presents a new method using Local Binary Pattern (LBP) algorithm combined with advanced image processing techniques such as Contrast Adjustment, Bilateral Filter, Histogram Equalization and Image Blending to address some of the issues hampering face recognition accuracy so as to improve the LBP codes, thus improve the accuracy of the overall face recognition system. Our experiment results show that our method is very accurate, reliable and robust for face recognition system that can be practically implemented in real-life environment as an automatic attendance management system.

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