
Call for Fiction Reviews Jeff Karnicky Dear SLSA colleagues: Configurations publishes three to five reviews of scholarly books in each quarterly issue. Beginning in 2018, we would like to add review essays of fiction that is in conversation with issues relevant to the SLSA. Fiction informs, reflects, and influences our understanding of science in the twenty-first century, and can lead us to think about things like global warming, medical ethics, and even basic science differently. We welcome proposals for review essays of two thousand to three thousand words that consider the works of a specific author of fiction in relation to any of the issues that the SLSA addresses. We are particularly interested in review essays that focus on the diversity of contemporary fiction, in any genre, including authors such as Nnedi Okorafor, Deji Bryce Olukotun, Jeff VanderMeer, Cixin Liu, Barbara Kingsolver, Margaret Atwood, and Claire Vaye Watkins. Review essays should focus on two or more works by the same author, or on a cluster of fiction that shares a specific interest (video games, apocalypse, genetic engineering, etc.). Review essays should focus on the fiction being considered. As we envision these pieces as being relatively short, works cited should be limited. Inquiries and brief proposals can be sent to Jeff Karnicky at jeff.karnicky@drake.edu. [End Page 235] Jeff Karnicky Drake University Copyright © 2018 Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts

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