
Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the social determinants of health and the quality of life of women with various types of cancer aged 60 and over. Methodology: Quantitative, transversal study, with descriptive - correlational approach. The QLQ-C30 quality of life scale and sociodemographic data sheet were applied to 70 women aged 60 years and over diagnosed with cancer, from a public hospital, Concepcion province, Biobio region, Chile. Result: The average age of the women was 69.9 years (SD = 6.8), the predominant cancer was the breast, more than 50% of them were with chemotherapy and 72% in the advanced stage of the cancer (III -IV). The quality of life in the scales of physical, role, emotional, cognitive and social functioning, obtained values ​​over 63/100 points and in the overall health over 65/100 points; the symptoms of pain and fatigue obtained high scores compared with others. There was a statistically significant relationship with 2 Structural Social Determinants (education and occupation), and with 3 Intermediaries (tenure and housing status, and income satisfaction). Conclusion: The scores on the quality of life scale indicate a trend towards a good quality of life. However, it is negatively impacted by education, occupation, housing status and satisfaction with income received. It is necessary to focus on these social determinants in the assessment and care of elderly women with cancer, to propose interdisciplinary strategies that effectively improve their well-being and quality of life.

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