
The commonly used, but no longer available, reference materials NIST SRM 976 (Cu) and ‘JMC Lyon’ (Zn) were calibrated against the new reference materials ERM®‐AE633, ERM®‐AE647 (Cu) and IRMM‐3702 (Zn), certified for isotope amount ratios. This cross‐calibration of new with old reference materials provides a continuous and reliable comparability of already published with future Cu and Zn isotope data. The Cu isotope amount ratio of NIST SRM 976 yielded δ65/63Cu values of −0.01 ± 0.05‰ and −0.21 ± 0.05‰ relative to ERM®‐AE633 and ERM®‐AE647, respectively, and a δ66/64ZnIRMM‐3702 value of −0.29 ± 0.05‰ was determined for ‘JMC Lyon’. Furthermore, we separated Cu and Zn from five geological reference materials (BCR‐2, BHVO‐2, BIR‐1, AGV‐1 and G‐2) using a two‐step ion‐exchange chromatographic procedure. Possible isotope fractionation of Cu during chromatographic purification and introduction of resin‐ and/or matrix‐induced interferences were assessed by enriched 65Cu isotope addition. Instrumental mass bias correction for the isotope ratio determinations by MC‐ICP‐MS was performed using calibrator‐sample bracketing with internal Ni doping for Cu and a double spike approach for Zn. Our results for the five geological reference materials were in very good agreement with literature data, confirming the accuracy and applicability of our analytical protocol.

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