
Understanding the performance of carbon dioxide (CO2) stored in geologic reservoirs requires some knowledge of the subsurface heterogeneity, where the most reliable data is extracted from wellbore measurements. This advantage is especially true for carbonate reservoirs were reactions between supercritical CO2, the reservoir brine, and carbonate minerals create new storage capacity and enhanced permeability. Techniques like NMR well logging hold promise for estimating subsurface permeability, because the total porosity and pore size can be calculated from response of 1H NMR signal. Resulting depth profiles of porosity and permeability from downhole logs are useful input for reservoir simulations and can be used to design injection protocols and estimate storage capacity.We conducted a detailed characterization study to quantify the NMR response to matrix pore space, the connectivity to larger vugs and fractures, and the resulting permeability of core samples from distinct carbonate formations. The cores used in study span 5 orders in permeability, 4 orders in mean T2, and 2%–42% in porosity. The goal of the study was to use independent measures of pore volumes, surface relaxivity, fluid-accessible surface areas, and permeability to develop carbonate permeability models.It was not possible to develop a single model that reproduced permeability for different carbonate formations, because phenomena specific to the reservoirs could not be extracted even with the state-of-the-art characterization techniques used in this study. Estimates of permeability require calibration. Best estimates for a given formation were achieved by using a simple form of the Kozeny equation (Eq. 6):

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