
The American National Standard ANSI S12.42-2010 specifies the measurement of hearing protector performance in the presence of impulse noise. A series of calibration impulses are recorded from an acoustic test fixture (ATF) and a field microphone for peak sound pressure levels of 130, 150, and 170 dB. The averaged acoustic transfer function between the ATF and field microphone is calculated as follows: H¯ATF¯−FF¯(f)=〈FFT¯(PATF,i(t))/FFT(PFF,i(t))〉.¯ The transfer function is computed for each of the ranges of impulse levels and is applied to the field microphone measurements to estimate the unoccluded fixture levels of the ATF when hearing protection is being tested. This method allows a comparison between occluded and unoccluded waveforms. The calibration transfer function is affected by the time-alignment of the field impulse peaks, time-windowing of the impulses, and compensation for any dc bias. Time-alignment significantly affected the accuracy of predicting individual calibration levels with H¯ATF¯−FF¯. The prediction error variance was less at 170 dB than at 130 dB impulses. The time-window was varied from 2.5 to 100 ms preceding the peak of the field impulse. [Portions of this work were supported by the U.S. EPA Interagency Agreement DW75921973-01-0.]

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