
The western border of the East Greenland Caledonides is exposed in Dronning Louise Land, where it is marked by a N–S trending thrust Imbricate Zone. The autochthonous crystalline basement to the west of the Imbricate Zone is dominated by orthogneisses, and unconformably overlain by two metasedimentary sequences (Zebra Series and Trekant Series). These metasedimentary units can be recognised in the Caledonian thrust slices of the Imbricate Zone and also as folded inliers in the gneiss complexes to the east, and witness to a progressive increase in Caledonian deformation and metamorphism.


  • The western border of the East Greenland Caledonides is exposed in Dronning Louise Land, where it is marked by a N-S trending thrust Imbricate Zone

  • This area is of particular interest since it is one of the few places where it is possibie to examine the marginal thrust zone which defines the western limit of the East Greenland Caledonides

  • Current understanding of the geology of Dronning Louise Land largely derives from the work of Peacock (1956a,b, 1958) who presented petrographic and limited structural evidence for the existence of an eastdipping thrust zone subdividing the area into a western group of orthogneisses and an eastern group of paraschists and paragneisses

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Western Foreland

The Western Foreland comprises a basement complex dominated by orthogneisses which is overlain unconformably by the Trekant Series and the Zebra Series. Both the gneisses and the Trekant Series are intruded by a suite of dolerites. Rocks of the We~tcrn Foreland become strongl)' foldeJ as they are rraced eastwarcls towards the 1mbricatc Zone (the thrust zone), but the region is characterised hl' essentiaIly autochthonous basernentcover relationships. Thc rocks of this cornplcx are the most important af the Western Foreland and are gencrally thought to represent parts af the autochthonous late Archaean - early Proterozoic North-East Greenland craton (Henriksen & Higgins, 1976). Dcformational intensity is variable and weakest in the western part ol' the region where the coarse, foliated orthogneisses ef Savryggen and Eigil Sø appear to represent ,tImost undeforrned mcta-igneous eomplcxes

Trekant Series
Imbricate Zone
Basement gneisses
Metasedimentary cover rocks
Basement gneiss complexes
Cover sequences
Structure and metamorphism
Caledonian structures
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