
The good qualities of a calculus teacher are an asset in producing great results for students and themselves. This study aimed to investigate the different competencies of a calculus teacher as correlates of students' experiences in learning at Visayas State University, Philippines. The study employed selected secondary data from the existing study literature such as competencies in teaching calculus subjects and different types of learning experiences of students. The study used some descriptive statistical measures to summarize the selected data and employed Spearman rho correlation to predict significant factors (teacher's competencies) that might influence the student's learning experiences. Results showed that teachers' competencies such as "prepared", "knowledgeable", "mastery", "organized", "decent", and "approachable" are highly correlated to the different learning experiences of students at a 1% level of significance. Hence, calculus teachers must be always knowledgeable in a class through rigorous preparation and studying. It is also concluded that teachers must develop a mastery of calculus subjects and apply an organized routine during class discussions to obtain desired academic performance for students. In addition, a well-groomed and professional may be integrated in front of students as well as open-mindedness and good personality to make interactive and stimulating class discussions. It is recommended that calculus teachers may undergo some rigorous training for calculus teaching to become a knowledgeable and competitive educators. Furthermore, teachers who will teach college calculus must be holding at least a master's degree in line with mathematics education or pure mathematics.

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