
The calculations of the alpha decay half-lives of some Polonium isotopes in the mass range 186 - 218 have been carried out using the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB) semiclassical approximation. The alpha-nucleus effective potential used contains the Coulomb potential, centrifugal potential, and the nuclear potential. The nuclear potential is obtained via the double folding model, with the microscopic NN effective interactions derived from relativistic mean field theory Lagrangian (termed R3Y). Different parametrizations of the R3Y interactions have been employed in the computation of the nuclear potentials. The results obtained using the R3Y NN interactions are compared with the ones obtained using the famous Michigan-3-Yukawa (M3Y) interactions. The use of density-dependent NN interaction is also considered. When compared to available experimental data, there are improvements in the results when density-dependent interaction potentials are used compared to when density-independent interactions are employed.

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