
ABSTRACTThe influence of ring puckering angle on the multipole moments of sixteen four-membered heterocycles (1-16) was theoretically estimated using MP2 and different DFTs in combination with the 6-31+G(d,p) basis set. To obtain an accurate evaluation, CCSD/cc-pVDZ level and, the MP2 and PBE1PBE methods in combination with the aug-cc-pVDZ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis sets were performed on the planar geometries of 1-16. In general, the DFT and MP2 approaches provided an identical dependence of the electrical properties with the puckering angle for 1-16. Quantitatively, the quality of the level of theory and basis sets affects significant the predictions of the multipole moments, in particular for the heterocycles containing C=O and C=S bonds. Convergence basis sets within the MP2 and PBE1PBE approximations are reached in the dipole moment calculations when the aug-cc-pVTZ basis set is used, while the quadrupole and octupole moment computations require a larger basis set than aug-cc-pVTZ. On the other hand, the multipole moments showed a strong dependence with the molecular geometry and the nature of the carbon-heteroatom bonds. Specifically, the C-X bond determines the behavior of the μ(ϕ), θ(ϕ) and Ώ(ϕ) functions, while the C=Y bond plays an important role in the magnitude of the studied properties.

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