
The purpose of this study is to use the Monte Carlo N-Particle radiation transport code (MCNP) to calculate the conversion coefficients of air kerma for personal dose equivalent (Hp [Sv]) and Back Scattering Factors (BSF) for X-ray beams used in diagnostic radiography at potentials of 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, and 150 kVp. Additionally, effective dose is determined using male and female anthropomorphic voxel-based simulators (REX and REGINA) as recommended by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 110, along with tissue weight factors from ICRP Publication 103 to simulate whole-body irradiation. The results indicate that the relationship between operational metrics such as Hp and risk limitation metrics like effective dose varies from 0.14 to 0.71 for Radiation Qualities in Radiation (RQR) beams from the X-ray source assembly and up to 0.64 for Radiation Qualities based on a phantom with an added aluminium filter (RQA). When comparing the obtained values for air kerma conversion coefficients for personal dose equivalent with the value adopted by the National Commission for Nuclear Energy (CNEN) of 1.14 Sv/Gy for individual dose determination, it is observed that at low energies, the values are overestimated by up to 44%, while at high energies, the values are underestimated by up to 67%.

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