
We present a first-principles lattice QCD+QED calculation at physical pion mass of the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. The total contribution of up, down, strange, and charm quarks including QED and strong isospin breaking effects is a_{μ}^{HVP LO}=715.4(18.7)×10^{-10}. By supplementing lattice data for very short and long distances with R-ratio data, we significantly improve the precision to a_{μ}^{HVP LO}=692.5(2.7)×10^{-10}. This is the currently most precise determination of a_{μ}^{HVP LO}.


  • We present a first-principles lattice QCD þ QED calculation at physical pion mass of the leading-order hadronic vacuum polarization contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment

  • By supplementing lattice data for very short and long distances with R-ratio data, we significantly improve the precision to aHμ VP LO 1⁄4 692.5ð2.7Þ × 10−10

  • First results of the E989 experiment may be available before the end of 2018 [9] such that a reduction in uncertainty of the aHμ VP LO contribution is of timely interest

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We compute

Aμ 1⁄4 4α2 dq2fðq2Þ1⁄2Πðq2Þ − Πðq2 1⁄4 0ފ; ð2Þ where fðq2Þ defined as isPa kxenioqwxhnJμaðnxaÞlJyνtiðc0Þfuin1⁄4ctiðoδnμν[q121−] aqnμdqΠνÞðΠqð2qÞ 2iÞs wPith if sum QfΨf over space-time coordinate x ðxÞγμΨfðxÞ. The sum is over up, and down, JμðxÞ 1⁄4 strange, and charm quark flavors with QED charges Qup;charm 1⁄4 2=3 and Qdown;strange 1⁄4 −1=3. For convenience we do not explicitly write the superscript HVP LO.

XcosðqtÞ t
Total Error
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