
JSC “FRITEX” has developed non-asbestos ridge composite brake shoes UR 01-01 with a reduced coefficient of friction, which, in contrast to the cast iron ridge brake shoes currently used on locomotives, have high wear resistance and more stable frictional properties at high speeds. They are much lighter than traditional cast iron shoes, resulting in lower logistics costs and easier replacement by service departments. However, the new materials used for the production of the shoe, as well as its innovative design, which combines the two types of materials, require a detailed study of its frictional properties. For this, the braking modes of a locomotive equipped with UR 01-01 shoes were simulated in a full-scale unit of a brake mechanism on an inertial stand at fixed pressures and speeds. Based on the results of the experiments, the values of the friction coefficients of the brake shoes were determined and the dependence of the friction coefficient of the shoes on the pressing force and braking speed was established. The data obtained were used in braking calculations for an electric locomotive of the VL80 series, including the determination of the braking distance, holding a single locomotive by the parking brake on a slope, and ensuring the antiskid braking due to higher values of the friction coefficient of the UR 01-01 shoe at high speeds. The composite ridge brake shoe ensures compliance with the standard values of the braking distance, antiskid braking and slope parking for the VL80 series electric locomotive. In this case, the use of these composite shoes is possible without changes in the device of the lever transmission of the electric locomotive. It is necessary to conduct running brake tests to make approbation of obtained empirical dependence of the friction coefficient of new shoes on the pressing force and the braking speed of the locomotive and its widespread use in the calculation of brake systems.


  • JSC “FRITEX” has developed non-asbestos ridge composite brake shoes UR 01-01 with a reduced coefficient of friction, which, in contrast to the cast iron ridge brake shoes currently used on locomotives, have high wear resistance and more stable frictional properties at high speeds

  • They are much lighter than traditional cast iron shoes, resulting in lower logistics costs and easier replacement by service departments

  • The new materials used for the production of the shoe, as well as its innovative design, which combines the two types of materials, require a detailed study of its frictional properties

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Колодки тормозные композиционные и металлокерамические для железнодорожного подвижного состава. Стандарт: введен в действие в качестве нац. Стандарта Российской Федерации приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 24 сент. Колодки тормозные чугунные для железнодорожного подвижного состава: межгос. Стандарт: принят Евразийским советом по стандартизации, метрологии и сертификации протоколом от 10 дек. Распоряжением ОАО «РЖД» от 12 мая 2016 г. Стандарт: введен в действие в качестве гос. А. Проблемы триботехнических инноваций на железнодорожном транспорте // Вестник ВНИИЖТ. И. Тормозные колодки грузовых вагонов: анализ повреждаемости и факторов, влияющих на создание тормозной силы // Вестник Уральского гос. Стандарт Российской Федерации: введен в действие приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 19 дек.

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