
The article describes the main loads affecting shaped backups of the unit of combined process of continuous casting and deformation in billets production. Importance of determining the temperature fields and thermoelastic stresses in shaped backups with collars is provided at formation of several billets, at slab compression and at idle during water cooling of backups. The authors describe strength and thermophysical properties of steel from which the backups are made. Geometry of backups with collars used for obtaining billets of three different shapes in one pass is shown. Initial data of the temperature field calculation are given for backups with collars of the combined unit. Temperature boundary conditions are considered for calculation of temperature fields of backups with collars. Boundary conditions determining temperature of such backups are described and values of the heat flow and effective heat transfer coefficient are given. The results of calculation of temperature fields are performed in four sections and are given for typical lines and points located on contact surface of backups with collars and in contact layer at depth of 5 mm from the working surface. The sizes of finite elements grid which is used at calculation of temperature field of backups with collars are provided. Temperature field of backups with collars is determined on the basis of solution of unsteady thermal conductivity equation corresponding initial and boundary conditions. Values and regularities of temperature distribution in bases and in tops of the middle and extreme edges of the shaped backups are presented during slab compression and at idle when obtaining billets of three shapes in one pass at the unit of combined continuous casting and deformation.


  • В работе [1] представлены результаты расчета температуры бойков с буртами установки совмещенного процесса непрерывного литья и деформации при получении трех стальных сортовых заготовок

  • boundary conditions for calculation of axial thermoelastic stresses in backups with collars of the unit of combined continuous casting and deformation are provided for production of three steel billets

  • The results of calculation of thermoelastic stresses in shaped dies were performed in four sections of a backup

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Постановка задачи и граничные условия

В силу симметрии для расчета термоупругих напряжений принята половина бойка [1]. Кроме температурной нагрузки на боек приложены также кинематические граничные условия:. – на поверхности XY задано отсутствие перемещения в направлении оси Z, что обусловлено симметрией расчетной модели [1];. – на задней поверхности бойка, контактирующей с суппортом, задано отсутствие перемещений по всем направлениям. Методика расчета методом конечных элементов реализована в пакете ANSYS [10 – 20]. Результаты расчета термоупругих напряжений в бойках приведены в четырех сечениях [1]. При этом в каждом сечении результаты расчета приведены для четырех характерных линий и точек При этом в каждом сечении результаты расчета приведены для четырех характерных линий и точек (рис. 1)

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