
Micro-channel plate (MCP) detector has a combination of unique properties such as high gain, high spatial resolution and high temporal resolution. By these advantages, it was shown that the possibility of MCP detector is very promising in important fields such as UV, soft X-ray and hard X-ray detection. Recently an X-ray detection model of MCP has been developed according to several energy ranges and X-ray imaging techniques based on MCP have been tested for new radiation detection systems. In this paper, we proposed a radiation detection system using CMOS active pixel sensor (APS) coupled with MCP. The theoretical detection efficiency of this system will be used for showing its usefulness in low energy X-ray. Applying our detection system to linear cascade system, we consider the MCP model for the X-ray induced secondary election emitted from MCP bulk. A multiple stochastic spread, fluence gain and additive noise were described as cascade stages caused by system components such as the MCP, phosphor screen and CMOS APS. Finally, the analytical investigation and numerical calculation of the quantum accounting diagram (QAD) and the detection quantum efficiency (DQE) were carried out. Through these results, we will discuss the performance of proposed system which is used for a high resolution image detector in low energy X-ray imaging.

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