
A method used for determining the moderator density coefficient (MDC) based on the effective multiplication factor (keff) calculated from the SIMULATE-3 code is developed in this study. The calculation is performed at various water density and boron conditions for Maanshan unit 1 cycle 27. The calculated MDC data are fitted as a second-order polynomial function of density, modified with a factor of linear function of boron concentration. The fitted equation is then integrated and normalized to zero at rated density to represent the reactivity as a function of moderator density and boron concentration. A reactivity vs. density table under different boron concentrations can then be generated based on this function. The table generated is used as an input for the ATWS analysis to be performed using the RETRAN-02 thermal–hydraulic analysis code. As an illustration, a table based on a boron concentration of 1500 ppm is generated and used as an input for the analysis of the potential limiting ATWS case, i.e., Loss of Normal Feedwater Flow Event. The ASME emergency level limit of reactor coolant system pressure less than 220.63 bar is used as the acceptance criterion for the current ATWS analysis. It is known that the critical boron concentration at hot full power for each operating fuel cycle varies with the burnup through the cycle. Hence, the calculated ATWS results at different boron concentrations are equivalent to that calculated at different cycle burnup conditions. The cycle burnup point after which the calculated ATWS maximum is within the ASME limit can be determined based on the sensitivity analyses considering different boron concentrations.

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