
Abstract The present paper analyzes the value of the corrected thermal resistance of the exterior wall at a typical residential building in Romania. The study was conducted for 8 variants of thermal insulation, with a thickness between 5 and 40 cm. The calculus was performed with the CIMPSPAT software, which makes use of a high accuracy numerical method for the thermal balance written in the nodes of the calculus according to the provisions in SR EN ISO 10211:2008. When designing buildings from a thermal point of view, only the unidirectional thermal resistances are generally considered, without taking into account the regulations of the Norm C107/2010 and Order no. 2641/2017, which requires for different building elements (exterior walls, exterior carpentry, floors over the last level, ground slabs, attic floor), certain minimum values for the corrected thermal resistance, which also take into account the thermal bridges. Thus, for the exterior wall, we generally use a 10 cm thick extruded polystyrene insulation. In this case study on a typical residential building in Romania, we want to determine the minimum thickness of this thermal insulation that satisfies the requirements of the Norm C107/2010 and Order no. 2641/2017, which requires for the exterior wall to have a minimum value of the corrected thermal resistance of 1,80 m2·K/W

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