
Abstract Purpose: Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) remains a significant clinical problem after cataract surgery. The Perfect Capsule device (Milvella, Ltd) permits the introduction and subsequent removal of potentially toxic agents into the closed capsular bag. The present study aimed to determine the influence of thapsigargin (Tg) exposure on lens cell viability. Methods: FHL124 cells were routinely cultured in Eagle’s minimum essential medium (EMEM). DNA and protein synthesis rates were quantified by measuring the incorporation of 3H‐thymidine and 35S‐methionine. Longer‐term growth was assessed by quantifying the increase in area over time of a circular patch of seeded cells. Human capsular bags were prepared from donor eyes and sealed with the Perfect Capsule device. 100uM Tg was introduced for 2 minutes. The bags were then perfused with EMEM and an IOL inserted before the bags were dissected and pinned to the base of plastic culture dishes and maintained in EMEM for 28 days. Results: Continuous exposure of >100 nM Tg to FHL124 cells for 24 hours significantly inhibited both protein and DNA synthesis. A 2 minute exposure of Tg resulted in a complete loss of viable cells following 4 days of culture. A 2 minute application of 100uM Tg to the capsular bag using the perfect capsule system did not immediately eliminate the residual lens cell population, however, by 4 weeks there were no surviving cells in Tg treated bags while a confluent cover of the posterior capsule was observed in controls. Conclusions: Thapsigargin inhibits cell proliferation and protein synthesis resulting in decreased survival rates. Application of thapsigargin at the time of cataract surgery for a 2 minute period using the Perfect Capsule system provides a promising means of preventing PCO.

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